I have no idea what I'm doing

Sunday, March 04, 2007

New Stuff

It's been a while. Let's see, where to start.

My wife and I have gone a few times to my sister-in-law's chruch. Last Saturday and yesterday. I'm not sure that I'm going to keep going to that church, but it was nice to go with my wife's sister. I think she enjoyed it, and I did as well. It's a beautiful church inside and a nice congregation.

My wife would like us to go to a church she attended when she was younger. It's on EMU's campus and is primarily a campus ministry. Although she claims people from all over attend. It's a younger church, and there are lots of activities and continuing education and lots to do as well. Plus it appears to have a younger priest. It might be a better fit for my wife and I.

I have not faltered or waivered on sticking with the Catholic church. The more I refresh myself with the faith the more I'm sure of that. There is a lot I've forgotten, a lot I never understood, and things are clearer to me now. I've also had a lot of great conversations about religion with folks and it's fairly refreshing.

Had a bit of snow to do last week. Looks like things are wrapping up for the season though. It turned out to be an okay, but disappointing snow clearing season. If we'd had a bit more snow in December and January, things would have been better. I am eager for the spring to start, though.

I've been working out. Not enough, for sure. Took a few walks this week. I do love walking in the park in the winter. I wish I'd gone out more though. I'll have to make up for it this week.

Bought some Tiger tix today. I think tickets will be a hard find this season, with that World Series trip last year. They went on sale today, single seats, and I bought tickets for 6 games. Got some good ones too. April 4, where they'll be handing out the AL Champ Rings. The Cardinals, Mets, Indians on the 4th of July, Chicago White Sox and Yankees. I can't wait for the season to start.

I guess that's it for now. It's late, I've been up too long as it is. I'll have more to write soon, I hope.

About Me

Ypsilanti, Michigan, United States
A little of everything, but it's ALL about me!