I have no idea what I'm doing

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Random Post of the Day

Happy Valentine's day!

Nothing big to post about today. I worked out on Sunday, a long tough good workout that really wore me down. I love those long sessions that leave you beat up and worn down. I did snow on Monday, so no workout then, and I skipped today in case I had to do snow today. I'll definitely be out in the morning, so we'll see what happens tomorrow night. It depends on how tough snow is. Some days it really puts a licking on you and leaves you sore as hell. We've been doing quite a bit of work as of late, so I'm not sure how I'll feel at the end of the day.

Having this other crew working with me really takes a lot of stress out of the job. They've been kicking ass lately and it's nice. I'm actually looking forward to going out tomorrow. I hope we get a lot of snow this month, and in March, to make up for a crappy winter so far.

I made a little cat house for the cats that hang out around the shop/warehouse/storage out of which I work. I've been feeding the wild cats there, and two in particular like to hang out around the shop when I'm there. There's a grey tiger striped cat, and a black and white. They always hang out together like a little couple. Sometimes they'll sit by the door and cry for me to feed them. I've been worried about them in the cold, so I put together a little box for them today and stuffed it with straw to keep 'em warm. I put a couple wine crates together to make a sturdy box. Cost me $4 for straw. Hopefully they'll put it to use and be able to stay warm.

I've been considering returning to the Catholic church and resuming my catholic faith. I have for some time been searching myself, and other religions, for a vehicle to continue my faith. What I have found hasn't been for me, for the most part. Something someone told me resonated with me and made me consider going back. I think I'm going to go to one of the local churches and try to meet with a priest and see if I feel comfortable going back. Who woulda thunk it?

That's it for today. Pretty unexciting, I know, but I've had a pretty dull week so far.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Fast Food, etc

I know it's a couple years late, but I finally got around to watching that movie "Supersize Me" by Morgan Spurlock. My oldest step daughter was on me for a long time to watch this. She works at Whole Foods and gets propagandized by the powers that be there, and spreads that around. Because I hate propaganda, I usually ignore it. Sometimes it's good advice, like this movie, sometimes it's bs urban legends about KFC raising chickens without beaks and eyes.

Anywho, I'm finally watching the movie. I hope it reinforces my anti-fast food resolution. Something that strikes me about this right off the bat is how sick Morgan is getting from eating the food to start with. Before he starts his diet, he's pretty skinny and healthy. When he starts eating McD's he has very physical reactions to the food. My first thoughts were "Ha ha what a pussy." Morgan eats a McD's lunch and then pukes. I can boast of tossing down a typical McD's lunch in a flash and then go right back to work with no ill effects. He talks about getting red spots on his skin, getting flushed, sweating, etc. Which seems absurd to me.

Then my second thought was that that attitude isn't a good thing, and it's probably what got me in this particular health predicament to begin with.

The other few times I've done the no fast food resolution, the first fast food meal after I had was disgusting and didn't taste good at all. That never seems to stop me from continuing to eat the crap though.

Because I love, Love, LOVE fast food. Particularly McDonald's. I like Wendy's and Arby's and Taco Bell okay. Not a big fan of Burger King. But I eat all brands, with a particular affinity to McD's. And when I think about it, I'm not sure why. Growing up, we ate mostly at home with food cooked by my mom. We got occassional treats of fast food. Particularly I have fond memories of friday nights when my father was out of town during lent. Since we had to eat fish, it was Filet-o-Fish nights.

When I started to get into my teen years and was able to eat on my own, it was McD's all the time. Maybe because I had such fond memories of eating fast food. Maybe because it's way easier to eat fast food than making your own. I dunno.

When I came home from college after my freshman year I was on a big working out kick. I would eat McD's all the time. Even when I was running every day and working out all the time, I ate poorly at best. It didn't matter much then because I was young and burning more than I ate. Poor eating habits at its least effective.

Here's the thing about fast food. It's addictive. You crave that taste of a big mac or french fries and a McD's coke (McD's cokes taste different, almost better than out of a bottle). It festers in your mind, you want that rush you get from eating the food. It bothers you until you see the Golden Arches and you have to have it. So you stop, get the food. You cram it into your mouth and get that high from the fat and grease and sugar. It's soooo good going down.

Ten minutes later you're cursing yourself for eating that shit. It settles like a brick in your gut. You're tired, lethargic, and sickened. That lasts for a while, then you forget about it. And the next time you go right back for it.

It's addictive. I'm addicted to it. I love eating food. I don't drink like my father. I've never done a drug. I don't even like taking vicoden when prescribed. But I do love to eat. Eating particularly fatty or bad food especially. It gives you a high, makes your endorphins pop. I eat to control my moods. When I'm bored. Bummed out. Sad. Depressed. If I just need a high. I eat. And the worst part is, I know it. I guess it's not as bad as being an alcoholic like my dad was, or being strung out on smack. But I fear it will be just as bad for me in the end.

The first few weeks after I quit fast food at the beginning of the year was horrible. I had cravings all the time. Every time I got hungry I thought of stopping at McD's. I often work late at night, when McD's is open and convenient. It called to me like a drug. Frankly, I was suprised I didn't fall off the wagon. I've tried several times in years past to do this resolution and fell off before I really got started.

I worked in produce departments for over 15 years on and off. Some of my best and worst memeories come from my produce years. Working for Rick Peshkin and my intense hatred for that fuck led me to realize how much I hated working for other people. Anywho, when I worked in produce I used to eat fruits and vegetables like crazy. Usually raw. And I liked it. Problem is, I don't eat any now I'm out. I enjoy that stuff, I'm just too lazy to prep the stuff myself. Which is bad. I have made efforts to eat more fruits and veggies the last month, subbing that for the candy and snacks.

The other issue that strikes me from this movie is that I have bad expectations when it comes to food and meals. For some reason, I have this perception that eating a couple big meals a day is ideal for me. I often go long periods of time during the day without eating. Most of the time, I don't get hungry enough to notice until 3pm-ish. Even during the season while I'm working, I'll push my lunch to 3pm or so and eat then. Then I usually eat heavily during the rest of the day. And that's bad.

I see Morgan pointing out the sizes of the fast food places, and think how bad it is. Yet I put those away like crazy and often order multiple sammiches. I have this horrible perception that bigger is better. And as I'm learning, that isn't true. I've got to adapt and stop eating piles of food, just learn to eat enough to fill me up.

I guess the point here is I have very bad food and eating habits. My parents weren't the best teaching food habits, a lot of snacks. Most of the blame is on myself for being lazy and falling prey to the quick and easy fast food and crap food eating. It's going to take a lot of doing to undo that, and I'm fighting not only me but also trying to change my wife's food habits as well.

About Me

Ypsilanti, Michigan, United States
A little of everything, but it's ALL about me!